
So, to kick things off my name is Chris Nesbitt-Smith, I'm based in London and currently work with some well known brands like learnk8s, control plane, and various bits of UK Government I'm also a tinkerer of open source stuff. I've using and abusing Kubernetes in production since it was 0.4, believe me when I say its been a journey! I've definitely got the war wounds to show for it. We should have time for questions and your best heckles at the end, but if we run out of time or you're not watching this live, then please find me on LinkedIn or in the loft labs slack. Right lets get going

We all came here in search of minimizing wasted overheads in our compute estate, right? Well, lets go with that, and pretend it wasn't just an exercise in technical naval gazing and CV enhancement

So Ideally we'll want to isolate one workload from another

We'll want super ease of managing all of those isolated things, because we need that collective spare time to think up new exciting abstractions of running processes on computers or a new job title? Shout out to my DevSecOps, SREs, and Platform Engineers!

And our ability to reduce waste on the hardware should give us some cost savings, which we'll all need to buy the Apple Vision Pro for some DevAROps. So how do we realize those dreams

Here comes the science bit. Kubernetes embraces the idea of treating your servers as a single unit and abstracts away how individual computer resources operate.

Imagine having three servers.

You can use one of those to install the Kubernetes control plane.

The remaining can join the cluster as worker nodes.

Once the setup is completed, the physical servers are mostly abstracted from you. You deal with Kubernetes as a single unit.

When you want to deploy a container, you submit your request to the cluster. Kubernetes takes care of executing `docker run` and selecting the best server for the job.

The same happens for

all other containers.

For every deployment, Kubernetes finds the best place to run the application.

Out the box Kubernetes does give you namespaces

So if you have three applications or teams

you could create three Kubernetes namespaces and place one in each. and you'd be forgiven for thinking that namespaces might refer to a lower level implementation kernel capability that would provide you some isolation

However a Kubernetes namespace is just a logical partition of the cluster that is used to group Kubernetes objects together. It doesn't offer any isolation, it's just a convenient way to categorize and compartmentalize objects, and has some performance benefits in scheduling by limiting the scope.

Lets explore how we can apply namespaces to start with, since its a useful baseline, and how many folk have done it in the past, at least before managing multiple clusters became a thing when we put down Kubernetes the hard way (thanks Kelsey) and remembered we can at the very least script things

but how do we carve up estate. You could split it up by your three teams

Or perhaps by lifecycle stage, say dev, test prod

but what about when your teams need multiple lifecycle stages

you start to see

this getting quite busy

so how big can this get

and another with 50 tenants

assuming they're all serving some http traffic, you'll probably use an ingress controller like nginx

which is a single pod that can serve your 10 tenants

just as easily as your 50

Notice how that didn't mean we needed to scale to have 30 nginx ingress for our 10 tenant cluster

or worse, 150 for our 50 tenant cluster

so what are the cost implications of this choice

If we look at the ingress-nginx helm chart config, you'll see we've got a resource request of 100 millicores and 90mb of ram

Lets put scaling for the volume of traffic aside for a minute and assume we're just looking at the standing still cost. while the numbers might seem low in isolation they are likely going to turn into papercuts

so our 10 tenant 3 lifecycle stage cluster looks like this

and our 50 tenant one looks even worse thats just math, and compute is cheap so who cares

Well someone might when get the bill for your ingress node requirement without it actually doing anything real. 248 bucks a month, just to stand still, before you add monitoring and logging and other stuff.

So a single ingress might look like a good idea

but what happens when one of your snowflake teams wants a configuration option that isn't readily made available by the ingress annotations configuration such as tweaking the keep alive.

But others don't, sure you could use the configuration snippet annotation to tweak this, but thats quite a blunt instrument you shouldn't really give all your teams since it allows any one of them to break ingress for everyone

So you're stuck having to define that configuration option at a full cluster level

consequently, those that didn't want that configuration have it forced upon them

If we look at our patent pending multi-tenancy o'meter you'll see that the configuration of a single shared ingress is tracking nice and cheap

but lets face it, when was the last time ingress was the only thing you installed in a cluster, those Custom Resources won't define themselves after all

Something like this likely looks familiar, logos as far as the eye can see. After all, our DevSecFinOps CV needed something new and shiny added to it.

Lets take prometheus for example, well you don't normally run it like this where you have a shared one for every application workload

So you're cluster is going to be looking something more like this

taking a look at our multi-tenancy-o-meter, we can see the costs of this sort of practice accruing

So, since we're logo loving devops, lets see what more complexity we can add to manage it more easily and give ourselves enough time to anxiously refresh the CNCF landscape for new logos to find what we need to install next.

first tool we'll look at is the hierarchical namespace controller

We'll then look at vCluster from our kind friends loft labs, the v stands for virtual, we'll look at what that means in reality since while novel doesn't really align with the word virtual in other computing senses.

And lastly we'll look at karmada as a means of managing many clusters

hierarchical Namespace Controller as the name suggests is a controller

that allows you to define a root, or parent namespace

and then define a child tree off the back of that

the rabbit hole can go as deep as you like

This is the first of my three demos today, because Daniele and Salman who did the previous two talks thought it'd be really funny if I demoed all the hard stuff. So join me in prayers to the demo gods while I try not to mess this up. cd /Users/cns/httpdocs/learnk8s_loft export PATH=$PATH:${PWD} kind create cluster kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/hierarchical-namespaces/releases/download/v1.1.0/default.yaml # setup kubectl -n hnc-system patch deployments.apps hnc-controller-manager --patch-file hnc-patch.yaml # setup kubectl create ns parent kubectl hns create tenant-1 -n parent kubectl hns config describe kubectl hns config set-resource resourcequota --mode Propagate kubectl hns config describe cat resource-quota.yaml kubectl apply -f resource-quota.yaml kubectl get resourcequotas -A cat hnc-50.sh ./hnc-50.sh kubectl get resourcequotas -A kubectl hns set parent --allowCascadingDeletion kubectl delete ns parent kubectl delete -f https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/hierarchical-namespaces/releases/download/v1.1.0/default.yaml # setup

As you can see the namespaces aren't truly nested, its all smoke and mirrors

theres a single controller doing the templating work for you

but at the end of the day its just regular namespaces

Our multi-tenancy-o-meter shows its cheap since the standing still cost of the tenants is zero since theres no workload in them.

in fact, since these are just empty namespaces, a construct stored in etcd theres absolutely no inherent cost associated with it

So what practical use are these namespaces

lets have a look at roles so if our team has some roles that they can read and write pods and pvs in the root namespace

we could cascade those role bindings to all the children

and we could do the same for many teams

all allowing them access to the pv

Our next approach of isolating the control plane

which is what vCluster does, where by a namespace is created

And inside that we run a small k3s instance. Those that aren't familiar with k3s, its a lightweight Kubernetes distribution that by default uses sql lite as it's database backend instead of etcd and can lend itself to working very well running as a single binary

so we can hit the api server with kubectl, and create a pod but this is just an api server, theres no nodes to run the workload

whats more its the wrong database for the real scheduler to pick it up, so what can we do?

We could copy the pod spec

which would magically cause the pod to be scheduled somewhere on the parent cluster

and thats exactly what the vcluster syncer does, you select the resources and direction to sync them in between the clusters

and with global resources like an ingress controller, crds, I can just sync the primitive resources like pods, configmaps, secrets, pvs and so on

so if I apply my pv to the tenant cluster

it'll get stored in the tenant control plane

and then sync'd to the parent

and allow the pvc to bind to that pv and the pods to connect to it

DEMO cat pv-values.yaml vcluster create tenant1 --upgrade -f pv-values.yaml cat pv.yaml kubectl apply -f pv.yaml vcluster disconnect kubectl get pv vcluster create tenant2 --upgrade -f pv-values.yaml kubectl apply -f pv.yaml kubectl get pv vcluster disconnect kubectl get pv vcluster delete tenant1 vcluster delete tenant2 kubectl delete pv --all cat vcluster-50.sh ./vcluster-50.sh kubectl get ns kubectl get pod -A

so this gives us a kinda nested control plane

with a sense that we can give what feels like cluster admin out selectively to tenants, if you squint its a virtual cluster

but theres a single parent cluster that exists, and can have controls and configuration set there, and we don't have heaps of fully independent clusters, many highly available.

our multi-tenancy-o-meter is twitching but its still reasonably cheap

We'll need around an extra 17 nodes to handle our 50 tenants controlplane pods

and 50 pvs for all the databases

totalling out around 254 bucks, or $5 per tenant a month

what does that mean for your workloads though when you apply a pod

well the pods will share nodes with other tenants

which introduces a noisy neighbor concern

but we could create node pools to separate that, so a single control plane could operate multiple pools vcluster makes this a bit easier with the node selector and enforce node selector options

so that all sounds great, but what about network

well the inherent rules of Kubernetes networking still exist that any pod can talk to any pod, and that overarching cluster is a flat network.

depending on your network, you may be able to apply network policy in order to limit what is permitted to talk to what

in effect giving us an isolated network boundary vcluster makes this easy with the --isolate parameter

so thats the network isolated

but if any one of the containers escapes to the host, perhaps through a kernel vulnerability

well if you've got to the node, then its not a big leap to then take the kubelet

and in turn take the control plane, at which point your entire multi tenant cluster and everything it connects to has been compromised. its a bad day

what alternatives do we have left

Well, we could run a bunch of different clusters

Enter Karmada to make some sense of that

which abstracts some of the things you might be used to seeing in Kubernetes with

some karmada equivalents

to dig in to the architecture of that

so our master cluster can command the child clusters agent

which in turn communicates with the agent's cluster api server

so a kubectl apply to the master

will cascade into the child cluster

This effectively gives us independent clusters with an overarching central management

with calls made to the manager

being passed on to child clusters giving me both standard fixed workloads, perhaps some logging and policy engine and config

along with workloads

that are individual to

each team or environment and the child clusters could be anywhere, from all being in the same physical data centre, all the way through to geographically disparate multi cloud vendors and some hybrid cloud thrown in for good measure because fun times

Last demo god prayer to make, wish me luck DEMO export KUBECONFIG=karmada-apiserver.config kubectl get cluster #deploy something on a worker cat deploy.yaml KUBECONFIG=worker-1-kubeconfig.yaml kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml kubectl get --raw /apis/search.karmada.io/v1alpha1/search/cache/apis/apps/v1/deployments | jq '.items[] | (.metadata.annotations["resource.karmada.io/cached-from-cluster"] + " " + .metadata.name)' ## demo propagating a deploy cat propagating-deploy.yaml kubectl apply -f propagating-deploy.yaml KUBECONFIG=worker-1-kubeconfig.yaml kubectl get pods -A KUBECONFIG=worker-2-kubeconfig.yaml kubectl get pods -A KUBECONFIG=worker-1-kubeconfig.yaml kubectl delete -f deploy.yaml kubectl delete -f propagating-deploy.yaml unset KUBECONFIG

So we saw a cluster of clusters

with administrative control being carried down to the tenant clusters

and we saw there was no sharing of any network, worker nodes. but still some consolidation ultimately a strong isolation

our multi-tenancy-o-meter is well into the red however

but what is that in dollars so we need 51 clusters, well the control plane node don't cost us anything with our cloud vendor

there'll need to be at least 1 node per cluster in order to support the agent

so that totals out at 612 bucks or 12 per tenant per month

so by means of a review

we started with basic Kubernetes, and added some multi-tenancy through namespaces

we then added in some isolation with node pools giving us runtime isolation

we saw what happened when we added in some common things like monitoring




and ingress

and of course we saw the cost implications of those choices

We saw the costs ranging from 0 for the Hierarchical namespace controller, vCluster in at 252, and karmada at 612 dollars/month

on top of that, theres the cost of a dedicated ingress for each of those 50 tenants

bringing our totals to this

now add on some monitoring and logging

and any other tooling and you can see the exponential costs mounting

some caveats to the costs

so thats dedicated ingress

what if we dropped that requirement, and had a single ingress controller well karmada obviously needs one per real cluster, but we can share one with vcluster and hnc

which gives us a slightly more balanced result on our multi-tenancy-o-meter

so a full recap on everything we've covered today

we saw that isolation comes at a cost, only you can be the judge of where you want to shoot for on the multi-tenancy-o-meter. hopefully we've covered some detail that will allow you to make a more informed decision

we looked at some of the common things folk tend to run in clusters and want to be different such as ingress controllers

we saw how theres some baseline costs, some linearly increasing costs and ultimately some exponentially increasing costs that can really be a gotcha

we looked at some tools along the journey of how to manage something that has something resembling the ergonomics of multi cluster, but fundamentally has the limitations of a single cluster under the hood

and then we covered karmada which is one many products in the space of supporting you wrangling multiple clusters

Finally a quick thank you to loft labs, for hosting these three sessions with us. If you've not seen them, then I'd consider Daniele and Salman's talks as essential watching, so absolutely go feast on those. Special big thanks to Salman who's hopefully been furiously working in the background to support this session by hopefully giving me some well researched hints to any of your questions; so I'll also use that as an opportunity to blame him for any misinformation I pedal.

Thank you so much for your time, we've hopefully got some time for questions, if you don't get a chance to ask it, or you're not watching this live then please do drop a line in the loftlabs slack, or hunt me down on linkedin